Out of School Hours Care
Current Term ProgramOSHC Program
Current Term Program
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Enrolment Form
(Web link)
A service providing care for your children, should you need it:-
Every school morning – Before School Care (BSC) – 7.00am – 8.30am
Every school afternoon – After School Care (ASC) – 3.20pm to 6:00pm
Every Student Free Day (7:00am to 6:00pm) – this depends on bookings for the day if the service will be available.
Child Care Subsidy is available for eligible families.
Enquire with the school office or OSHC staff to assist in enrolments, fee information, and general questions.
Regular – care required on a regular full time or part time basis
Casual – care not required on a regular basis (24 hours notice)
OSHC Weekly News
The Norton Summit Primary School Out of School Hours Care Program aims to provide quality care for school children from 5 to 13 years.
We believe:
- That the program should meet the needs of our children, parents, staff and community.
- In providing a variety of learning and recreational experiences to complement and extend the children’s physical, intellectual, social and emotional development.
- In respecting each person as an individual.
We aim to:
- Provide a happy, safe, clean, comfortable and secure environment.
- Be warm, caring and sensitive to the individual beliefs, backgrounds, personalities and abilities of each child.
Management Committee
The Management Committee consists of the principal, a parent representative, a Governing Council representative, finance officer and OSHC staff representative.
More Information
Operation Hours
Before School Care 7:00am – 8:30am
After School Care 3:10pm – 6:00pm
Student Free Day 7:00am – 6:00pm
Vacation Care 7:00am – 6:00pm
The service is approved for the Child Care Subsidy.
Statements are sent out weekly via email. Weekly payment are appreciated but please let the School’s Business Manager if you have difficulties regarding payments.
Before School Care Regular Booking $18.00
Casual Booking $21.00
After School Care Regular Booking $29.50
Casual Booking $32.50
Student Free Day Regular Day $85.00
Incursion / Excursion $100.00
Vacation Care Onsite $85.00
Incursion / Excursion $100.00
Late Collection Fee $1 per minute, per child after 6:00pm
OSHC promotes healthy foods and eating habits plus ensure that meals and snack times are an opportunity for social learning and positive interaction with staff. If there is a specific dietary requirement (eg allergies) please notify the staff.
‘Bookings and Cancellations’
Regular, Casual and Emergency Bookings
Regular bookings should be made within the first two weeks of Term 1 and first week of Terms 2, 3 and 4. Regular bookings will roll over into the next term unless adjustments are made. No casual booking fee will be charged during these periods.
Casual bookings should be made by 6pm the day prior. Casual bookings that are made one week in advance void the casual booking fee.
Emergency bookings should be made by 1pm on the day, bookings made after 1pm are taken at the discretion of the Director.
Cancellations that are made by 6pm seven days prior to the booking will not be charged.
Cancellations (including absences due to illness) that are made within seven days of the booking will be charged as per normal.
Authority for the Collection of Children
Behaviour Management Policy
- Collect children on time
- Pay fees on time
- Take an active interest in the program
- Contribute ideas
- Serve on the Management Committee
- Provide advice, information and feedback
Crescent Drive
Norton Summit SA 5136
Principal: Shaun Barber
Phone: 08 8390 1771
Fax: 08 8390 1063
Region: Adelaide Hills
Department for Education trading as South Australian Government Schools & Preschools
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