Parent Information

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See for yourself why Norton Summit is the school children and parents love.
We have enrolment opportunities in all year levels from Reception to Year 6.
Contact the school for your personal tour today.

Starting School

Before commencing school, children are invited to orientation visits with the Junior Primary class. This gives the child an opportunity to become familiar with the classroom, the teacher and the school environment.

School time is 8:50am – 3:10pm. Supervision starts at 8:30am


The Education Act requires that parents communicate with the school giving the reason for a child’s absence from school. A phone call or an email is appreciated on the day of absence.

Admission of children for the first time

Same First Day Policy

Intake 1 – Children who turn 5 years of age before 1 May, are eligible to start school at the beginning of each year (term 1).

Intake 2 – Children who turn 5 years of age before 1 November are eligible to start school mid-year the same year (term 3).

Children who turn 5 years of age on or after 1 November are eligible to start school in intake 1 the following year.

For more information

Visit the Department for Education, Starting School .

School hours

Before School Care from 7 am – 8:30 am
Supervision starts 8:30 am
Commencement 8:50 am
Break 1 11.40 am – 12:10 am
Break 2 1.50 pm – 2:20 pm
Dismissal 3:10 pm (Last day of each term – 2:10 pm)
Supervision finishes 3:30 pm
After School Care  from 3:10 pm – 6:00 pm
Variations of these times will be advised in advance.

Supervision: In accordance with the Chief Executive Officer, parents are advised that teachers will officially supervise students as follows:
From 8.30am to 3.40pm each full day the school is open, or 30 minutes after altered dismissal time.

For the sake of children’s safety it is advised that children are not at school before 8.30am and after 3.40pm. (OSHC is available)

School Uniform

The school has a uniform. Students must wear it every day. Uniforms are available from the Front Office.

Uniform Order Form

43 KB, Adobe PDF

Norton Summit Primary School is a SunSmart school and students are expected to be wearing a hat on days when the UV is rated 3 or above.

Broad brimmed, bucket hats or legionnaire hats are acceptable.

Our school has a ‘no hat, no play’ policy.

Lost Clothing
Please label all clothing clearly so they can be returned. Lost property items will be kept in the Front Office.

Accumulated lost clothing will eventually be sold or given to a suitable charity.

Dress Policy

School uniform polo tshirt

Navy blue shorts or pants

Navy blue skirt or skort of an appropriate length that enables students to comfortably participate in all physical education activities including (but not limited to)  team games, gymnastics skills, yoga/stretching etc

Navy school jumper with school logo

Comfortable, enclosed shoes (ie sandshoes) that enable students to participate in all school activities including physical education

Inappropriate Items

The following clothing is considered inappropriate for school attire:

  • Tank tops
  • T-shirts with inappropriate wordings or designs
  • Thongs
  • Sleeveless dresses
  • Excessive jewellery

More Information

Canteen Pricelist 2024

43 KB, Adobe PDF

Payment of Money

Payment by EFT
Bank: Commonwealth Bank
Account Name: Norton Summit Primary School
For BSB and Account number contact school
Reference: family name + what the money to go towards

Payment of phone
Call the school between 8.30am – 4.00pm on 83901771 to make payment using Visa or Mastercard

Pay in person
Cash or EFTPOS

School Card

Parents who think they might be eligible for Government assistance for payment of school fees, may apply online

Reporting to Parents

A comprehensive reporting format is provided by our school. Each year parents are given two written reports on their child’s progress, (mid year and end of year).

In addition, students in Years 3 and 5 receive individual student reports on their NAPLAN tests. These are distributed in September.

Parents also have the opportunity to take part in discussions on their child’s progress at any time. Parents are also offered the chance to participate in Parent-Teacher Interviews in Term 1.  This allows the parent(s) and teacher to set agreed learning goals for the year.

Teachers also share an overview of their teaching and learning programs. At the beginning of each new school year an Acquaintance Night is held to allow parents to meet with teachers.

School Fees

The materials and services fee charged at the beginning of the year includes a component for stationery, classroom resources and school resources. Stationery will be issued to children by the class teacher as required throughout the year.

Payments can be made by:

  • Full payment end of week 4 term 1. or payment in instalments
  • First payment end of week 4 term 1.
  • Second payment end of week 1 term 2.
  • Third payment end of week 1 term 3.
  • School Card Scheme.

A detailed outline of the schedule of school charges is attached to the school invoice.

Classes take turns to run assemblies. Dates and times are advertised in the newsletter.
Parent Participation

You can choose your level of involvement depending on your commitments. Parents are encouraged to become a part of school life. Parents are welcome within the classroom where you can be involved in many activities (reading, excursions and craft to name a few).

On a more formal level you can join any of the following Governing Council sub-committees – Parents and Friends/Fundraising, Finance, Grounds and Facilities, Canteen and OSHC. For more information about these portfolios please speak to the Front Office Staff or the Principal.

ALL parent participation at our school need to have completed Responding to Abuse and Neglect (RAN) training as well as have a Working with Children Check.


Crescent Drive
Norton Summit SA 5136

Principal: Shaun Barber
Phone: 08 8390 1771
Fax: 08 8390 1063
Region: Adelaide Hills

Department for Education trading as South Australian Government Schools & Preschools

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